This is where I'll save some of my better photographs Feel free to contact me to ask for a full sized copy.

Adelie penguins walking rather tentatively pat elephant seals. They had little to worry about, the seals were too busy belching and farting to be concerned!

A humpback whale breaches just metres away from our zodiac. A truly breath-taking moment,

Adelie penguin jumping

A rather cute looking leopard seal. When these guys come across penguins they are less cute!

One of the toilets on board the M/S Expedition. I say I have never seen a better view from a toilet

Gentoo penguins keep an eye on the kayakers

One of the amazing things about Antarctica is the icebergs, ever changing

One of the more beautiful days, the first ship of the season t break through the ice of the Lemaire channel and we were rewarded with millpond waters and stunning scenery

Our constant companions and our very trusty ship

We got to see a superpod of Orca inkling this mother with her baby

Hard to get photos of these slippery little suckers jumping from the water, they truly are like little bullets.

A Gentoo penguin jumping

Half Moon Island was our first stop in Antarctica and the most abundant with Chinstrap penguins

Chinstrap penguin jumping

This light-mantled sooty albatross followed us for more of the Drake Passage journey (3 days)

Stunning scenery in Tierra Del Fuego national park near Ushuaia in Argentina - the most Southerly city in the World

I took this on a visit to the Masai Mara in Kenyo in December 2008. We were very lucky to be driving around and this lady just appeared in our tracks. She had a recent kill in this tree so was very keen to keep hold of it. She allowed us to stay and photograph her for around an hour and was even there when w came past the next day.

I used to live in East London and round and about were plenty of opportunities to go out and take photos. The Thames barrier is an iconic landmark that lends itself very well to being snapped.

The Great Court at the British Museum is a fantastic example of British architecture at it's best from my favourite architect Sir Norman Foster.

This photo of the New York City financial district was taken from the River Café in Brooklyn. We walked over the Brooklyn Bridge to get there and I'll never forget what the maître d' said when I took my jacket off..."We operate a jacket on policy in here Sir, so if you wouldn't mind popping it back on."